This was just too precious. We were trying to make Daniel and Olivia wait to open their gifts when we went to Grandma Sue's, but it was just too much for this 2 year old! He did his best, but you can see the frustration and resignation all over his little face and in the posture of his body. He is so dramatic, and I love it. You can see that his ear is so red in the picture. We found out today that the ear has been turning red because he has an ear infection. Ten days of antibiotics and he'll be good as new. Right now he's been running fever, so he's been all warm and wanting to be held. Cuddling time!
CREDITS: BACKGROUND PAPER & PAISLEYS: Pretty in Paisley by Alabaster Box; DOODLE, FRAME & MEASURING TAPE: Another Time by Scrap N Tag; FONT: Problem Secretary

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