Today my brother left for Montgomery, AL for processing and then will begin basic training for the Army. These are some of the pics I took today. It's been surreal. I mean, a blink of an eye ago I was walking into the hospital to see him for the first time. And now he's going off to train to defend our country.
It was really hard to say goodbye. Love you so much little brother!
Oh heart aches for you. You made me cry today. I can't even imagine one of my brothers doing this. I wish him all the best and pray for his safety. Please keep us updated on how things progress with him. What an honorable thing to do but at the same time we know what happens at times. Scary....
My little brother (well, younger brother at least!) left for Marine bootcamp this morning so I totally understand what you're going through. It really hit me yesterday that when I said goodbye to him, I was saying goodbye to my little brother, that when he comes home, he'll be a man. I'll pray for the safety of both of our brothers!
His name is William and he's 18, nine years younger than me, and the "baby" of my family. Thanks for your prayers; I know God is sovereign and holds his life in His hands and that there's no safer place to be. But I will definitely miss him!
I was thinking about you and your family yesterday...sending prayers.
tell your brother thanks!!
it is tough but those that are called are even more blessed, I feel....
My brother just got back from the desert.. he has been military almost 20 years. It was good to have him home for a bit but he will be leaving to go to another base soon. Duty calls...
Hang in there..
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